Προσφορά Part ML Maintenance προς ιδιοκτήτες α/φών μελών AOPA Hellas

Based on 30 years experience with aircraft maintenance solutions, Arline Software Applications ApS (ASA) have created SAM Light, a web based solution that will allow aircraft owners to create and manage their own maintenance program, compliant with the Part M Light regulations at a very attractive price. AOPA Hellas active members will get a 25% discount on ASA's SAM Light prices.

General Aviation Maintenance Software for Part M Light

SAM Light is a new, web-based version of popular SAM software for General Aviation customers that need a cost efficient and powerful aviation maintenance software that is compatible with EASA's Part-M Light regulation change.

Visit the dedicated website at https://asasoftware.aero/sam-light/

About Part ML (Part-M Light) https://asasoftware.aero/guide-to-part-m-light/

Contact AOPA Hellas for further details.