Bulletin Number 04 / 2015

1.     The new Defense Minister Mr. Kammenos is an acting private pilot. This creates high hopes in the General Aviation community for a better handling of general Aviation matters by the new administration

2.    Gen Assembly of AOPA Greece Members will be held in the island of Naxos, on Saturday Sunday May 16-17. An aviation even is planned for the same days. Save the date. 
Accommodation will be at NAXOS RESORT HOTEL at 60 euros per day for a double room and 45 euros for a single one. Further details soon.

Bulletin Number 03 / 2015

1 & 2.  AOPA Greece is keeping on with legal action in various occasions, No final results can be reported yet. But we are holding on.
3.   Meeting with the head of Tourist Operators of the country. Both parties noticed considerable delays in the way sea plane ports are been approved. They decided to work together, to face the problem.

Bulletin Number 02 / 2015

  1. AOPA Greece started legal action against the Governor of HCAA for his failure to take any action against the Airport Manager of Santorini. He has been summoned to appear in the local court after accusations from AOPA Greece that he was refusing landing permission to general aviation aircraft by claiming there was no parking space
  2. A local court declared guilty for bribery an employee of CAA. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Bulletin Number 01 / 2015

-AOPA Greece is not going to interfere in any way with National elections. AOPA will cooperate with any Government may come out of the election
AOPA members though, may take active part in the coming election and we do hope, if successful, they will support Gen Aviation.
-On all other areas, AOPA is fighting for the Cessna SID case, for lower fees with the CAA, for supporting European pilots coming to Greece.
-In contacts with the Air Force and the minister of Tourism, AOPA presented our case.