Bulletin Number 03 / 2015
1 & 2. AOPA Greece is keeping on with legal action in various occasions, No final results can be reported yet. But we are holding on.
3. Meeting with the head of Tourist Operators of the country. Both parties noticed considerable delays in the way sea plane ports are been approved. They decided to work together, to face the problem.
4. Meeting with the President of Air Accident Investigation and Air Safety Dep in Greece was held, on items that have to do with air Safety in the country. Both sides decided to meet again on the subject
5. SKYSERV Handling SKYSERV (ex OLYMPIC) Handling reported unable to make special
agreement for further AOPA discount. Details at www.aopa.gr/info para.12.
6. AOPA Greece next General Assembly will be held at the island of NAXOS, on May 16 and 17.
Make your plans to be there
7. AOPA is preparing aviation posters to be distributed free of charge, to Aviation Organizations and
Government entities All photo to be used have been donated my members.
8. AOPA Greece reports changes in the administrative structure of the organization.
9. Aviation news coming from Rodos Air Club
4. Meeting with the President of Air Accident Investigation and Air Safety Dep in Greece was held, on items that have to do with air Safety in the country. Both sides decided to meet again on the subject
5. SKYSERV Handling SKYSERV (ex OLYMPIC) Handling reported unable to make special
agreement for further AOPA discount. Details at www.aopa.gr/info para.12.
6. AOPA Greece next General Assembly will be held at the island of NAXOS, on May 16 and 17.
Make your plans to be there
7. AOPA is preparing aviation posters to be distributed free of charge, to Aviation Organizations and
Government entities All photo to be used have been donated my members.
8. AOPA Greece reports changes in the administrative structure of the organization.
9. Aviation news coming from Rodos Air Club